Approximate delivery times after orders are shipped, by service:

FedEx SmartPost 2 - 9 business days
FedEx Ground 1 - 4 business days
USPS Priority Mail 2 - 3 business days 
USPS First Class Mail 1 - 3 business days

Orders that are shipped using FedEx SmartPost will take approximately 2 - 9 business days to arrive at the destination after they are shipped.

Orders that are shipped using Priority Mail will take approximately 2 - 3 business days to arrive at the destination after they are shipped.

You can check your order status by logging in (if you created an account at checkout or already had an account) on the My Account Page. You will also receive an email containing a tracking link when the order ships.

If you placed an order during the “pre-order” timeframe, then your order will ship about 10 business days (or 14 days) after the close of the sale.